So, you think you’ve mastered the art of writing an effective blog post? Congratulations! While this is great, it’s possible you might be missing expertise in a crucial element to blog post SEO optimization: internal linking. While it may seem like a small piece of the puzzle when it comes to successful blog writing, it can have a surprising impact on your rankings. Let’s have a look at our main tips for internal linking your blog posts so you can never miss a beat. Want a little more help? Prozley’s blog writing service has a whole database of experienced, blog writers across industries to suit your every need.
- Relevancy
Number 1 rule in the internal linking game is relevancy. While it’s possible it’ll still be helpful from an SEO perspective, you should always try to ensure that any internal links you insert into your blog posts are relevant to the point you are covering. If you’re talking about LinkedIn and you put a link to something you’ve written previously about Google Ads, this will be a very confusing experience for the user clicking on your link. At best, they might be a bit confused, at worst they’ll be frustrated and turned off your site as a whole. So try to stay relevant at all times!
2. Authenticity
Second, be authentic. If you are shoving an internal link into your article and it doesn’t add genuine value to the reader, or amplify what you’ve already written on there in some way, it will come across as very inauthentic and as a result, may hinder the trust, credibility and reliability of the information you are sharing (& potentially the trustworthiness of your brand as a whole).
3. Don’t risk overkill (and penalties)
Again leading on from 1 & 2, don’t just bombard your reader with a billion internal links within your article. Only use them sparingly and in places where they are actually adding value. A good guide would be between 5-7 per post. If you do “stuff” your article with links, you risk pissing off your readers and incurring penalties from Google.
4. Balance with external link efforts
Finally, you don’t want there to be a large discrepancy between the amount of internal links you have and the amount of external links you have. The aim is to be as balanced as possible. This adds to the effect of some of the points above. If you balance out internal and external links – the information you are presenting seems much more authentic and relevant.
There you go! That’s our 4 key tips all wrapped up. Put these into practice when writing your next blog post and the world will be your oyster.