The nature of your teeth will significantly impact how you look. Specialists recommend two-phase orthodontic treatment, a specialized process to correct malocclusions while causing physical and facial changes. If you want your children to experience ideal, healthy, functional, and aesthetic dental results, you should consider Brooklyn two-phase treatment to maintain dental stability.
The reason to go through with two-phase orthodontics
This specialized process ensures your child can enjoy optimally structured and functioning teeth. Failure to address your child’s dental concerns may necessitate future interventions that might be more invasive, thus bearing more risk and costs. The best way to achieve long-lasting results is to schedule a two-phase treatment appointment for your child.
What to expect during two-phase treatment
Phase one
This initial step focuses on creating a foundation of a long-lasting beautiful smile. Phase one treatment targets the jaw by improving its ability to accommodate permanent teeth in optimal positions.
Your child may have predispositions to jaw complications as they grow and develop due to destructive habits like chewing on pencils or sucking their thumbs. It is important to recognize signs of jaw complications like an overgrown upper jaw at an early age to seek restorative treatments for enhanced clinical outcomes. Children above age six with jaw discrepancies are candidates for orthodontic treatment. You can fix crowded front teeth in children below age 9 through phase one orthodontics, thus preventing the need for future extractions of permanent teeth.
Collaborating with your primary dental provider will ensure early planning to save your child’s smile. Phase one orthodontic treatment also eliminates the need for surgical procedures to realign the jaws, especially since surgery can predispose your child to risks.
It is critical to always store your child’s dental records. Sticking to one primary dental provider will ensure you do not lose critical information regarding your child’s orthodontic treatments, including the type of appliances used, length of treatment time, and frequency of visits. Your primary dental provider will keep records of your child’s models of teeth taken via x-rays or photographs. Analyzing your child’s dental records will determine the need for early dental intervention.
Rest phase
During this phase, permanent teeth erupt without interference from orthodontic treatments. Your child may need to stop wearing retainers until permanent teeth completely erupt. A successful phase in treatment will ensure adequate space for permanent teeth to erupt, thus preventing displacements.
The end of phase one does not mean the end of treatment. Your child’s teeth will achieve desired positions in the second phase of treatment. Your doctor may recommend follow-up appointments to monitor your child’s dental progress during the rest phase.
Phase Two
This step ensures that your child’s teeth remain healthy for an attractive smile. Phase two treatment focuses on enhancing teeth harmony in the mouth for optimized function. This treatment will involve full upper and lower braces and begins when all permanent teeth have erupted. After phase two treatment, your child will wear retainers to maintain their beautiful smile.
Contact Amazing Smiles Orthodontics to get your child on two-phase orthodontic treatment and save their smile from misalignment complications