If you are preparing for the GATE entrance exam, you should know how to use the word ‘gate’ in English. Generally, these terms are abbreviations. But, you must know the full form of these terms if you want to pass the exam. Here is the complete definition of ‘gate’ in English:
General Aptitude – This segment includes five one-mark questions. These questions make up fifteen percent of the total marks. The technical segment contains 30 two-mark questions and twenty-five one-mark questions. Together, these questions make up the rest of the exam. The GATE exam deducts marks if the candidates answer a question incorrectly. In addition, incorrect MCQ answers deduct one-third of the unique marks.
GATE – Graduate Aptitude Test in Engineering is a national-level aptitude test that assesses candidates’ knowledge and skills in various undergraduate disciplines. The GATE exam is held every year for students applying to postgraduate engineering programs in India. It is an aptitude test that is recognized by all top universities in India as well as many foreign institutions. The exam is difficult and time-consuming, but it pays off in the end. GATE scores are valid for three years and reflect the student’s depth of knowledge.
The suffix -gate was originally a political scandal that swept the U.S. government in the 1970s. This scandal prompted the adoption of the suffix for “gate” in many places. Today, “gate” refers to scandals of all types. The term “gategate” has become an idiom in the United States. While some examples of ‘gategate’ are political scandals, others are merely examples of popular culture.
“-gate” is also a convenient heuristic in the news world. While the word ‘gategate’ is usually associated with the Watergate scandal, it has come to be used more broadly as a synonym for ‘gate’. The suffix also appears in a variety of slang terms, including “gatesgate.” However, this term is still used primarily in slang and is no longer in use in the news.
As far as the Obama era is concerned, “gates” and ‘ghazis’ are commonplace. They don’t require high-profile victims to become a mainstream scandal. In this way, “gate” and ‘ghazi’ are a partisan fixation. Both parties will continue to attempt to turn any ‘gate’ into another term. Hopefully, RobotInsurrectiongate will render the issue moot.
Another example of the word ‘gate’ is ‘needle’. In the Bible, a needle gate was a tiny one that was easily defended. By this standard, a camel can enter a city after hours, but only on its knees, so it cannot carry worldly goods. In other words, Jesus’ use of the word ‘gate’ in the Bible is a metaphor for the narrow gate.