Agriculture is the world’s economic backbone, providing food for plants and animals and a source of employment. Due to different rainfall patterns, drip irrigation supplements productivity in areas where rainfall is scarce. Drip irrigation is a method of providing water to plants through perforated pipes.
Drip irrigation is the watering of plants through perforated pipes placed on the ground or buried underground. Drip irrigation, also known as trickle irrigation, aims to use as little water as possible by allowing water to trickle only on the roots of the targeted plant. Although drip irrigation is an excellent agricultural practice, it is costly to implement
Types of drip irrigation pipes
Perforated pipes
These are pipes with holes that allow water to drip onto the plants. The porous drip irrigation pipes prices in Kenya are low, so the irrigation system is generally inexpensive. Furthermore, connecting the pipes is simple and does not necessitate the use of technicians. The pipes are simple to move from one location to another.
On the other hand, the porous system is prone to clogging at their holes. Furthermore, one cannot regulate the water pressure; as a result, the water pressure at the pipe’s end or a high point will be shallow.
Pre-installed emitters
Water emitters are at equal intervals on the walls of irrigation water pipes. The emitter pipes are available in 0.5 and 0.25-inch diameters, with 12-36 inch spacing, and emit a water T rate of 0.5-2 gallons per hour, depending on the soil type. The emitters are also simple to install and do not necessitate the use of a technocrat.
The emitters are advantageous because they are not prone to clogging due to the turbulent water flow. Irrigating vegetables, nursery beds, and mass planting are the most common uses for the pipes. On the other hand, the emitters are spaced at a fixed interval, making them inflexible.
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Plugged-in emitters
Punch-in emitters are long pipes with inlet barbs that attach the emitter at convenient intervals on their walls. Goof plugs aids in blocking holes in emitters when they need replacement. Water flows at a rate of 0.5-4 up through the punch-in emitters.
When water flows at an inconvenient rate, suitable emitters can replace the old ones. Remove the emitters and plug the holes if there is a high water concentration in a given area. Similarly, additional emitters are necessary for areas with a lack of water.
Micro-sprinkler head
Drip and sprinkler irrigation are both features of the Micro-sprinkler head. However, water must flow at a low speed and pressure for drip irrigation, and the pipe diameter must be small. Water goes into waste because the sprinkler head distributes water in a fan-like pattern.
Maintenance requirements of drip irrigation pipes
Unclog the clogged drains.
The holes in the drip irrigation pipes are prone to clogging, reducing or ultimately preventing water from seeping through the soil. To unclog the pipes, use high-pressure water to flush out the solids clogged the holes.
Repair any parts or joints that are leaking.
Some parts of the pipes may become damaged over time due to use; repair as soon as possible to avoid leaks. As a result, leakages will lead to water wastage.
Because of the low cost of pipes, drip irrigation is the most common type of irrigation. Furthermore, drip irrigation does not necessitate the use of technical personnel. Drip irrigation of any kind aims to use as little water as possible.